
Miles Away Massage and Healing Therapies

Misti Miles LMT #108290


30 Min: $35                                                                                                                                                                       

1 Hour: $60                                                                                                                                                                        
90 Min: $85                                                                                      


Wet Room Therapies

Body Scrubs (women only): $30-35                                                                                                                

Body Wraps: $40

Paraffin Body Wrap: $45                                                                                                                 

Herbal/Detox Bath: $25

Fascia Blaster & Cupping

Legs $45/$30

Stomach $45/$30

Back $45/$30

Ionic Foot Detox 

30 Minute: $25

45 Minute: $35

New Client Info:

I require picture Identification for all new clients before massage will be performed.  Show up 5 minutes early to fill out intake forms.

Inappropriate Behavior Policy:  (it is unfortunate that I have to include this information)

Massage Therapy is for relaxation and therapeutic purposes only. There is absolutely no sexual component to massage whatsoever.  Any insinuation, joke, gesture, conversation, or request otherwise, will result in immediate termination of your session and refusal of all services in the future. You will be charged the full service fee regardless of the length of your session. Depending on the behavior exhibited I may also file a report with the local authorities if necessary.  Please treat me with respect!

    Accidents, repetitive actions and everyday stresses can cause problems that sometimes seem to take up permanent residence in our bodies. If tension, pain or restricted movement keep you from living the life you want, massage can help. A gentle, effective therapy, massage can relieve pain and help heal certain conditions and prevent their return."

 Post Surgical:

   Massage therapy post-op helps to reduce pain by relaxing the muscles and soft tissues, increasing blood flow and decreasing inflammation. Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion: Massage therapy helps to stretch and loosen the muscles and soft tissues, improving flexibility and range of motion.

 Lymphatic Drainage after Liposuction:
   Liposuction inevitably results in swelling, a natural part of the post-operation recovery process. To help manage this, lymphatic drainage massage is frequently recommended by surgeons for its role in reducing swelling and facilitating a smoother recovery

Deep Tissue Therapy: 
    Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders. Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.

 Sports Massage:
   If you get sore and tired from sports and other physical activities, massage can help reduce achiness and rejuvenate muscle tissue. As professional sports teams have found, regular massage may also help improve your game!
  With regular massage, you can expect enhanced energy levels, improved balance and increased calm in your mind and body. Research participants even experienced increased mental clarity and improved computation skills after receiving massage. Whether you are performing on a field with teammates, rehearsing dance steps in front of a mirror, or running down a country road, pursuing physical fitness and sports can be exhilarating and rewarding. It is also demanding. Because of this, many sports and fitness enthusiasts seek massage therapy to help them perform their best and reach their personal goals. 
 For an active person, an injury can be frustrating, even emotionally devastating. The good news is, massage is highly effective for common sports injuries such as tendinitis, muscle strains and ligament sprains

 Chronic Pain:
   Few things are as distressing as chronic pain. It saps your energy and takes an emotional toll. Over time, pain can become a vicious cycle with a life of its own, continuing even after the original cause is resolved. Therapeutic massage is a simple, effective and readily available support measure for dealing with chronic pain.
Massage can break the cycle of pain with its ability to address most of the pain cycle elements. Massage relieves muscle tension, stretching and kneading tight muscles and calming the nervous system. When muscles relax, pressure on nerves is reduced, relieving related pain in distant sites. 

 Neck and Shoulder Pain:
   Do you experience neck and shoulder pain during everyday activities such as working, driving or sleeping? Do you sometimes wake up with a headache, find yourself unable to look over your shoulder, or simply feel that your neck is "out of whack?" If so, therapeutic massage can work on multiple levels to help you relax, reduce your pain, and regain movement in your neck and shoulders.
Massage kneads away tension and painful muscle spasms, gently encouraging relaxation and increasing circulation. Improved circulation can cleanse tissues of irritating waste products that contribute to pain. Oxygen and nutrients flow to tight or injured areas, helping to reduce discomfort and promote healing. Therapeutic massage can also powerfully support additional treatments for neck pain such as chiropractic, physical therapy or other medical care.

 TMJ Dysfunction:
   Researchers generally agree the most common element of TMJD is myofascial pain — discomfort in the muscles (myo) and their connective tissue coverings (fascia). Massage can relieve myofascial pain by releasing muscle tension and stretching contracted fascia of the muscles that control the jaw, neck and shoulders. As tissues relax, circulation increases. This softens fascia, cleanses tissues of irritating by-products of inflammation, and improves nutrition to stressed areas.

 Stress Relief:
  Therapeutic massage is a remarkable tool for helping you manage stress. A deeply relaxing massage can give you a welcome break and help you feel better physically and mentally. Over time, regular massage can help you develop healthy and productive responses to life’s many challenges.
In a stress emergency, massage provides immediate relief with soothing sensations that refocus your attention away from your worries and tensions. Studies show that massage triggers the relaxation response, taking your body off alert and setting in motion the biological processes needed to restore your resources and reverse the physical responses of “fight-or-flight.

 Headache Relief:
  Massage therapy can be one of your most powerful allies in coping with chronic headaches. It works on many levels to reduce physical and mental stress, improve circulation, promote healing and increase energy.If your headache is due to an injury, massage therapy can promote healing and make restrictive scar tissue more pliable in the muscles and ligaments of the neck. If posture is a factor, massage can help by increasing your awareness of tension patterns that affect your posture so that you can take steps to improve it.

 Prenatal and Postpartum: 

   Massage is a wonderful way to relax, increase your energy, and relieve discomfort during your pregnancy. The caring touch of massage can help you experience your changing body in a positive, accepting way. Massage can also be something special for you at a time when you also face important social adjustments at home or at work, with family or friends. Massage is healthful and enjoyable  during a normal pregnancy. It is a good idea, however, to inform your primary health care provider before receiving prenatal or postpartum massage.

 Infant Massage:
   As a parent, loving relative, or caregiver of an infant, you want to see your child flourish. Touch is one of the most important requirements for healthy mental and physical development — a fact supported by both ancient tradition and contemporary research. Massage is attentive, pleasurable touch that can promote your baby’s well-being while increasing your ability to respond to his or her needs.
In addition, bonding — that unique and close attachment between you and your baby — is enhanced with massage. Responding to your baby's smiles, frowns and squirms with sensitive touch, eye contact, soothing sounds and loving communication can reinforce a trust which sustains your relationship for years to come.

 Senior Massage:
   Regular therapeutic massage is a supportive and restorative measure you can take to maintain physical and mental well-being throughout your life. For seniors in particular, this remarkable therapy supports recovery from setbacks as well as resilience in the face of daily stresses.If you wish, your therapist will help you get on or off the table. Cushions may be used for support.

  Lymphatic Massage:
    Lymphatic massage is a gentle touch therapy that promotes health and aids recovery from certain illnesses. This powerful, yet subtle technique can reduce or prevent fluid retention, enhance the removal of toxins from body tissues, and support the immune system. Also called lymphatic drainage or manual lymph drainage, lymphatic massage is a standard treatment in European hospitals and clinics, and is used increasingly in North America.
Because many lymph vessels are just under the skin, moving the lymph requires a very light touch, barely the weight of a teaspoon of water. Practitioners use flat hands and finger pads in painless, rhythmic movements gentle enough to be described as “feather touch."

  Myofascial Release:
   Myofascial release is a hands-on technique involving the application of stretches and pressure to the fascia and muscles. It relieves tension and pain by releasing and lengthening the fascia, which allows muscles to return to their correct position, length and function.
Not only is temporary tightness relieved, but long-held patterns of tension can be reversed. This allows muscles to stay lengthened and perform in balance with each other, helping to break habits such as poor posture and protective 'muscle guarding'. Because of this, people often notice that their pain relief, improved movement and other effects are long-lasting."

I am also trained to help with many other health concerns such as:  
Stress & Immune System
Auto Immune Disorders 
Heart Disease

Massage Add-Ons

Paraffin Hand and Foot treatment: $10​

 "Dry Brushing or Body Brushing" 15 minutes added to massage generally in the beginning $20 extra

I will brush your skin from head to toe with light pressure with a brush you can take home for self brushing.
Body brushing has been thought by some to assist in cellulite removal from trouble spots. The idea behind body brushing is that it speeds up the lymphatic system, thus speeding the removal of toxins from the body. An active lymphatic system is associated with improved skin appearance. The skin is the largest detoxifying organ of the body and performs one quarter of the body's detoxification every day. With the assistance of body brushing, the detoxifying actions of the skin are improved

 "Hot or Cold Stone Therapies" generally best with 90 minute massage $20 extra
***(This treatment requires me to know  in advance to your appointment, please shoot me a text or call me to inform me so I can be ready for your appointment (806)584-0923***

-Hot stone therapy involves placing and gliding various sizes of basalt stones along the spine, shoulders and neck to promote deep relaxation and trigger the natural healing process. In a deep massage the stone will be used to provide pressured strokes. 
-Cold stone massage provides stress relief and helps the body to relax. It also helps the mind let go of anxiety and trauma. A cold stone massage is helpful for sporting injuries, swelling and inflammation. It will help to calm the body with the cool stones coupled with the soothing impact of human touch. 


Today we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet. Although technology and industry have helped us to live more comfortably and have generally enhanced our way of life, we are paying a heavy price. The air we breathe, water we drink, and food we eat are no longer clean or safe. Our environment is contaminated and polluted. Now more than ever before, ongoing periodic detoxification is essential.
The Ion Cleanse, is one of the tools  to aid in the elimination of toxins in your body. The foot bath works to dramatically remove toxins from your body through your foot. The Ion Foot spa produces enough of an electrical current through the ionic array to generate positively charged ions. The Detox Foot bath passes apart the H2O (water) molecule. This releases oxygen, stable hydrogen and the negative hydrogen ion** (H-). This negative hydrogen ion is a powerful antioxidant and pro-oxidant (in the presence of transitional metals), pH balancing and the catalyst most responsible for ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) production, our body’s 



All wet room therapies require a bathing suit or extra undergarments that may get wet. I suggest a dark color so they will not be stained by any of the treatments. Robes, towels, and shower caps will be provided.  Shower and bath are also available for use.

Paraffin Body Wrap: $45 for 40 minute session

Begin the treatment with a full body exfoliation then soften the skin with an application of moisturizer.  A warm paraffin mask is then applied to the entire body. Enjoy the deeply penetrating heat as you are then cocooned in soft heated blankets while receiving a scalp and facial massage. Your skin will be extremely hydrated and the warmth will soothe tired aching muscles and  joints. Beneficial to arthritic conditions and dry skin.

Herbal/ Detox Body Wrap:  $40 session is around an hour

Begin the treatment with a full body dry brushing. You are then heat-wrapped with herb soaked linens while receiving a scalp  and facial massage. This excellent detoxifying treatment penetrates your body and draws out impurities. 

I have a variety of options for this treatment, We can discuss the option that is best when booking.  Essential oils, teas, clay, and other herbs will be used depending on needs, wants and season.

Body Scrub (women only): $30-35 session is around half hour

This treatment exfoliates the skin on your body leaving it feeling fresh, smooth, moisturized and soft. I use various abrasive products such as sugar, salt, coffee grounds and exfoliating gloves. Then your body will be rinsed to reveal a moisturized layer of refreshed soft skin. ​​