Monthly Massage programs

 2- One Hour Massages for $99

2-90 Minute Massages for $140



*Massage    *Ion Foot Detox   *Body Exfoliation    *Body Wraps

Miles Away Massage and Healing Therapies

Like the rest of you, a muscle is mostly water. It shouldn’t hurt at all when you press on it. If it does hurt — and it often does — something is wrong. Stiff and sore muscles are sick muscles. They have a pathology called "myofascial pain syndrome". They are full of junk molecules, the waste products of metabolism. They are irritated and choking off their own blood supply, starving for oxygen, nutrients and clean tissue fluids, and unable even to exercise to save themselves. Massage can break this vicious cycle, pulling you back from the edge simply by squeezing sick muscles like used sponges.
  Breaking that cycle is only one of the most basic physiological effects of massage, however. There are more mysterious benefits, more difficult to prove in scientific journals. Massage therapy works, in general, because it is a kind of passive exercise and stimulant for your skin and muscles. One covers us, the other holds us together and upright. When they feel better, we feel better. Massage wakes them up physiologically, stirs the forces that keep them fit and vital.

  The human body is designed to work perfectly with a minimum of maintenance. The healthiest people alive are the ones who simply get plenty of fresh air, exercise, rest and high quality food. Give the body what it needs, and it thrives. Something else the body needs, especially if the basics are missing, is plenty of tactile stimulation. Unfortunately, we are all touch-deprived. Baby mammals literally die without touch. It is essential for the development of our nervous systems. We are tactile beings. To have this simple biological need answered is profoundly soothing, the sensation of relief so intense that it changes lives.

  Massage reminds people what it feels like to feel good!


By appointment only

 To pay by credit card please text (806)584-0923 and I will send a payable invoice, or you can pay me on

Misti Miles LMT #108290 

Venmo payments @Misti-Miles

Cash App payments $MistiMilesLMT

Please text (806)584-0923 after purchase to schedule or receive Gift Certificates.

Massage certificates can be given by email, text, or mail.  All purchases will be on file for use.